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Win your semester - 5000$ Money Prize

Giveaway details

Contest Win your semester - 5000$ Money Prize in collaboration with @guruenergie and !!

Prize detail :

In collaboration with our friends at @gurunergie, we allow a lucky student to win $5000 to pay for their session. And, as a bonus, to receive good GURU energy throughout the session!!

The contest is open to all college and university students in Quebec and Ontario.

To view all the rules, click here.

You are in the right place! Register by clicking on the "Register" button.

The selection of the winner will be random among all participants on October 17, 2022.



Official partner


5000 $


15 October 2022

Giveaway completed

Lexya choices

Giveaway registration

Complete your information for a chance to win this prize.

Thanks !

Thank you for your registration. Good luck ! 🎉